the bub ble is cen tered the plat form is level and can
be safely raised.
RCD/ELCB AC outlet
Figure 3.17 - RCD/ELCB AC Outlet
The RCD (Re sid ual Cur rent De vice) is lo cated at
the base and will pro tect against short cir cuits to
earth. When there is a short cir cuit the RCD will
shut down the 230v AC power to the plat form out -
let. To re set the out let dis con nect the power tool
lead from the plat form box and re set the RCD at the
base. If the prob lem per sists call a trained ser vice
tech ni cian.
Stabiliser/Boom Interlock
This ma chine is fit ted with a very im por tant safety
fea ture, a
Sta bi liser/Boom In ter lock
sys tem that
pre vents the booms be ing el e vated to an un safe
po si tion un less all four satabilsers have been cor -
rectly set and have made firm con
tact with the
The same fea ture also pre vents the Sta bi lis ers be -
ing op er ated while ei ther or both Booms are el e -
The cor rect op er a tion of the Sta bi liser/Boom
In ter lock is crit i cal to en sure that the EPV is
op er ated safely and with out risk.
De tailed in struc tions on how to carry out a test to
en sure that this func tion is work ing cor rectly are
pro vided at the be gin ning of the Pre-Op er a tional
In spec tion Chap ter in this manual.
Flashing light (Option)
The flashing light alerts people that the EPV16 is
moving. The light flashes at about one flash per
second any time the MASTER KEY switch is on.
There is no ON/OFF switch for the flashing light, it
cannot be turned off while the EPV16 is running.
EPV16 – 13642-1
Rev A
page 3 - 5
3. Safety Devices
Power Input
At Base
Power Outlet
At Platform
RCD At Base