on choosing your treadmill. You’ve taken an important step in developing
and sustaining an exercise program! Your treadmill is a tremendously effective tool for achieving your
personal fitness goals. Regular use of your treadmill can improve the quality of your life in so many
Here are just a few of the health benefits of exercise:
Weight Loss
A Healthier Heart
Improved Muscle Tone
Increased Daily Energy Levels
Help In Countering Anxiety and Depression
An Improved Self Image
The key to reaping these benefits is to develop an exercise habit. Your new treadmill will help you elim-
inate the obstacles that prevent you from getting in your exercise time. Inclement weather and dark-
ness won't interfere with your workout when you use your treadmill in the comfort of your home. This
guide provides you with basic information for using and enjoying your new machine. A more complete
knowledge of your new treadmill will assist you in realizing your goal of a healthy lifestyle.
Before You Begin
Make sure that your treadmill is properly connected to a power outlet. The on/off switch is located next to
the power cord. Flip this switch to the 'on' position, so that the switch is lit. You will hear a beep and the
console will light up.
While you are preparing to use the treadmill, do not stand on the belt. Place your feet on the side rails
before starting the treadmill. Start walking on the belt only after the belt has begun to move. Never
start the treadmill at a fast running speed and attempt to jump on!
Conditioning Guidelines
Always consult your physician before beginning an exercise program.
The American Heart Association recommends that you exercise at least 3 to 4 days per week to main-
tain cardiovascular fitness. If you have other goals such as weight or fat loss, you will achieve your goal
faster with more frequent exercise. Whether it’s 3 days or 6 days, remember that your ultimate goal
should be to make exercise a lifetime habit. Many people are successful staying with a fitness program
if they set aside a specific time of day to exercise. It doesn’t matter whether it’s in the morning before
your shower, during lunch hour or while watching the evening news. What’s more important is that it’s
a time that allows you to keep a schedule, and a time when you won’t be interrupted. If you are to be
successful with your fitness program, you have to make it a priority in your life. So decide on a time,
pull out your day planner and pencil in your exercise times for the next month!
For aerobic exercise benefits, it’s recommended that you exercise from between 24 and 32 min-
utes per session. But start slowly and gradually increase your exercise times. If you’ve been sedentary
during the past year, it may be a good idea to keep your exercise times to as little as five minutes
initially. Your body will need time to adjust to the new activity. If your goal is weight loss, a longer
exercise session at lower intensities has been found to be most effective. A workout time of 48 min-
utes or more is recommended for best weight loss results.
How hard you workout is also determined by your goals. If you use your treadmill to prepare for a 5K
run, you will probably work out at a higher intensity than if your goal is general fitness. Regardless of
your long term goals, always begin an exercise program at low intensity. Aerobic exercise does not have
to be painful to be beneficial! There are two ways to measure your exercise intensity. The first is by
monitoring your heart rate (using the grip pulse handlebars or a wireless chest transmitter-sold
separately), and the second is by evaluating your perceived exertion level (this is simpler than it
A simple way to gauge your exercise intensity is to evaluate your perceived exertion level. While exer-
cising if you are too winded to maintain a conversation without gasping, you are working out too hard.
A good rule of thumb is to work to the point of exhilaration, not exhaustion. If you cannot catch your
breath, it’s time to slow down. Always be aware of the warning signs of overexertion.
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