III. Functional Testing
Power Up Check / LCD Check
Equipment needed
4 AA batteries
1. Insert 4 AA batteries into the pump.
2. Press and hold the power on/off switch.
3. Observe the LCD during power up. The display should quickly flash gray, then blue. An amber
swirl should then fill the display, followed by a CADD
-Solis Ambulatory Infusion System
screen. Look for any stripes, or black or white pixels, which indicate a faulty display.
4. If no error message is immediately shown, and 6 audible beeps occur, the pump powered up
normally. If the system fault screen appears prior to the pump displaying the home screen, the
pump experienced an electrical or mechanical fault (see System Fault Alarm on page 25).
Latch and Lock Check
Equipment needed
• 1 CADD
medication cassette reservoir
• 1 CADD® key
1. Attach and latch a CADD
medication cassette reservoir to the pump. The status bar should
temporarily show “Reservoir Cassette Latched.”
2. Lock the cassette by inserting a key into the lock and turning clockwise. The status bar should
temporarily show “Cassette Locked.”
3. Unlock the cassette by inserting a key into the lock and turning counterclockwise. The status
bar should temporarily show “Cassette Unlocked.”
4. Unlatch the cassette. The status bar should temporarily show “Cassette Unlatched and
Cassette Sensor Test
Equipment needed
• 1 CADD
administration set
• 1 CADD® key
1. Attach and latch a CADD
administration set to the pump. The status bar should temporarily
show “Standard Admin Set Latched.”
2. Lock the CADD
administration set by inserting a key into the lock and turning clockwise. The
status bar should temporarily show “Cassette Locked.”
3. Unlock the CADD
administration set by inserting a key into the lock and turning
counterclockwise. The status bar should temporarily show “Cassette Unlocked.”
4. Unlatch the set. The status bar should show “Cassette Unlatched and Removed.”