Note: For dual waveform output to function
the Dual mode setting must be enabled and
the Primary Wave Timer must not be disabled.
switches from the Primary waveform
to the secondary waveform when the Primary
Wave Time expires. Even if Dual mode is
enabled the output will not switch if the
Primary Wave Time is disable. The Secondary
Wave Time can be disabled. In that case the
output will switch from the Primary waveform
to the Secondary waveform when the Primary
Wave Time expires and the PES
will continue
to output the Secondary waveform for as long
as the REMOTE SWITCH is held.
Press the PULSE TYPE menu button to select
one of the three output waveform types;
Ramped DC, Standard (Rectangular Pulses), or
Burst of Pulses. On pressing the PULSE TYPE
menu button the current setting is displayed.
Pressing the up or down arrows changed
the display and pressing the SELECT button
changes the setting to the one displayed and
return the display to Status Display.
If Dual mode waveform is enabled the first
display will show the Primary Waveform pulse
type. Pressing SELECT will set the type for the
Primary waveform and the display will then
show the Secondary waveform type. Pressing
SELECT again would set the Secondary
waveform type and the display will return to
Status Display. Graphical display are shown
only for example and are in no specific order.
Pressing the VOLT menu button displays the
current voltage setting. The up and down
arrows change the voltage value in the display
and the SELECT button sets that voltage for
the waveform. If Dual mode is enabled the
display first shows the Primary wave voltage.
Pressing SELECT sets the voltage for the
Primary and switches the display to show the
Secondary waveform voltage setting which
can be changed with the arrow buttons and set
with the SELECT button.
Pressing the FREQ. button displays the current
frequency setting, if the pulse type is set for
DC, in which case the display moves to the
next waveform of a Dual mode setting or
briefly displays an error message and then
returns to Status Display. With some frequency
displays, the bottom line of the display also
shows the calculated width of the pulse in
milliseconds using the current setting for Duty
Cycle. The displayed waveform frequency
setting can be varied up or down with the
up or down arrows and the setting of the
waveform is changed to that displayed value
when the SELECT button is pressed. The range
of frequencies may be limited by the current
Duty Cycle setting, as the PES
has limits for
pulse width.
If BURST OF PULSES wave type is set, the
first display in the frequency menu is for the
Burst Frequency. Pressing SELECT sets that
frequency and switches the display to the
Cycle Frequency display where it can be raised,
lowered or left unchanged. Pressing SELECT
again would then set the Cycle Frequency and
the display would return to Status Display.