The transect duration is a function of: a) the programmed Target Flow; b) the
number of filter housings; and c) the filterable water volume per filter (determined
by environmental particulate load). Therefore, the total transect time can be cal-
culated as:
Transect time (min)=
number of filters*volume per filter (L)
Target flow (L/min)
For example, if the local environment allows 2 Liters of water to be filtered on a
single 1.2um filter membrane, 3 filters are used in the transect system, and the
target flow is programmed to 0.5 L/min, then the total Transect time will be 12
1. Press the Reset button on the interface to start a new data record.
2. If the environment will require you stop and start the pump repeatedly to
avoid obstructions or shallow areas, program the eDNA Sampler to Man-
ual mode. In Auto mode the data record will be reset each time you press
3. Set the Target flow to value in the lower range to extend transect duration.
We recommend 0.5 L/min as a starting point.
4. Move to the beginning point of your transect. Remember to always start
downstream and move upstream when transect sampling.
5. Place the extension tubes of the filter housings into the water.
6. Press the Start button on the remote control and begin walking forward.
Do not wait until water reaches the pump before moving – you will begin
filtration immediately on start.
7. Attempt to walk at a constant speed while transect sampling to maintain a
consistent ml/meter value throughout the transect.