SMARTEK Vision | User Manual – LED Strobe Controller Family | Doc. v2.1.1
5.3. Error / Fault Codes
If the device detects an error it switches to idle mode and stops driving current on output
immediately. There are 9 different error codes stating the source of the error:
Error #
No error
Error in internal bus communication
No light head is detected by AID (IPSC-series only)
Wrong parameters are used
Temperature of controller is too high
Error with temperature measuring device
D/A converter failure
Input power supply voltage is too low, too high* or changed (> ±2.4V)*
Cannot read DID from light head (IPSC-series only)
*HPSC4 only
Table 26: Error codes
Depending on what error code is detected, the FAULT (IPSC) or Yellow LED (HPSC) is flashing
in repeating sequences. Each sequence consists of a number of flashes accordingly to the error
code number. E.g. for error code “1” flashing once, for error code “2” twice, etc. The error code,
causing the controller to stop working, is also shown in the status window of the ScLibClient
or can be accessed by the API / RAW commands.
When errors are detected, the following steps are recommended:
1. Turn off controller
2. Disconnect light head
3. Check that input power supply is connected properly
4. Restart controller
5. Check parameters on controller so they are not overloading controller and light head
6. Check that light head is connected properly
7. Send new parameters to controller
Please contact your local SMARTEK Vision distribution partner if the error code persists.