On the front panel of the MXU-88 press the ST2 button until the cursor is by the IP selection. Press ST1 &
ST2 simultaneously to display the IP address in use by the MXU-88. Enter the IP address into a web
browser of your choice. You should see the MXU-88 login page. The username is admin and the password
is admin. Then the main webpage will display as shown in Figure 7-1. The left column of numbers repre-
sents the output port. The top row of numbers represent the input ports. Using your mouse click on the
box at the intersection of the input with the output to execute the desired connection. The video and usb
connections can be changed independently.
There is also a button you can click on to learn the EDID of the monitor connected to output port 1 and a
button that will display the EDID in use.
Figure 7-1