AVRouter Manual Version 1.0
Page 20
Chapter 6: Communication Protocol
Chapter 6: Communication Protocol
Chapter 6: Communication Protocol
Chapter 6: Communication Protocol
Chapter 6: Communication Protocol
Set Audio Only Crosspoint
Set Audio Only Crosspoint
Set Audio Only Crosspoint
Set Audio Only Crosspoint
Set Audio Only Crosspoint
Cmd = 4
Databytes = destination, source
i.e. to switch audio on output 3 to input 4
CMD = 3
Databytes = 3,4
Mute Video on specified output
Mute Video on specified output
Mute Video on specified output
Mute Video on specified output
Mute Video on specified output
Cmd = 5
Databytes = Destination, State (0=off, 1 = on)
i.e. to turn video off on output 3
Databytes = 3,0
i.e. to turn video on on output 3
Mute Audio on specified output
Mute Audio on specified output
Mute Audio on specified output
Mute Audio on specified output
Mute Audio on specified output
Cmd = 6
Databytes = Destination, State (0=off, 1 = on)
i.e. to turn audio off on output 3
Databytes = 3,0
i.e. to turn video on on output 3
Databytes = 3,1
Split Crosspoints - Video and Audio Differently
Split Crosspoints - Video and Audio Differently
Split Crosspoints - Video and Audio Differently
Split Crosspoints - Video and Audio Differently
Split Crosspoints - Video and Audio Differently
Cmd = 7
Not specified yet but will exist
Not specified yet but will exist
Not specified yet but will exist
Not specified yet but will exist
Not specified yet but will exist
Get Current Status
Get Current Status
Get Current Status
Get Current Status
Get Current Status
CMD 8 = current Status all
Databytes = Destination. (1-16 = specific output, 0xff = all)
i.e. to read the status of output 3 send;
CMD = 8
Databyte = 3
i.e. to read the status of all outputs
Databytes = 0xff
Unit will return Valid PSU as above where databytes is;
a single byte indicating currently selected source if specific destination was requested
or a string of 16 bytes indicating currently selected source for each destination starting with destination 1.