Sunny Island
Installation & Operating Instructions
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SMA Regelsysteme GmbH
Parameter Configuration
410_Iext nom
10 A
Configure generator nominal current (per phase)
602_GenSET typ
Grid forming
603_GenSet inter
Typ 2
Autostart Relays K1+K5
604_GenSet Ctrl
Control of generator current (current transformer required)
609_GenLoad min
Minimum capacity utilization of generator in %, if value falls
below this limit the generator is switched off (taking into ac-
count the minimum run-time “613_tGen minrun“).
701_Man K1
Relay K1 is controlled by Sunny Island
702_Man K2
Relay K2 is controlled by Sunny Island (Connection of genera-
tor to island grid)
706_Man K6
Relay K6 is controlled by Sunny Island (Warming up / Starting
the Diesel generator)
801_Sunny Boys
Table 13.4: Summary of parameters to be configured
To monitor the battery temperature a Pt100 temperature sensor has to
be connected to the Sunny Island!
Even in island grids with feeders independent of weather conditions we
recommend to wire up the consumers in a way so as to be able to switch
them off with the Sunny Island (via one of the relays K1 to K8). Espe-
cially in case of a failure (generator defective etc.) the battery can thus
be protected against harmful conditions and emergency operation can
be made as efficient as possible.