)ront Panel Controls - Application
! Phantom power is a voltage distribution system utilizing standard microphone cable. It is useful
(and often required) for powering condenser microphones connected to your audio system. If any
of your microphones require phantom power, simply enable the corresponding channels phantom
power switch to activate a constant 48v power supply.
4.4 Independent (8x) 80H> low-cut (high-pass) filter switches
T*e FP84^s eig*t S8) /o?@cut S*ig*@pass) .i/ter s?itc*es enab/e and disab/e eac* c*anne/s respec@
ti4e 80QR *ig*@pass .i/ter. Fngaging t*is .i/ter e..ecti4e/> re3o4es /o? .re=uenc> hru3b/ef and ot*er
un?anted noise b> attenuating t*e signa/ dJ be/o? 80QR. Y*en enab/ed t*e corresponding /o?@
cut LF7 ?i// i//u3inate.
! The low-cut (high-pass) filter feature is useful in eliminating low frequency noise such floor rum-
ble often picked up through microphone stands.
4.5 Independent (8x) phase reversal switches
Fac* c*anne/ .eatures a p*ase re4erse s?itc* .or re4ersing t*e p*ase o. t*e audio signa/ 180
degrees. Y*en enab/ed t*e corresponding p*ase re4ersa/ LF7 ?i// i//u3inate.
! Phase cancellation can be a serious problem during the recording process. Two out of phase
sound waves that are summed together will cause some level of phase cancellation resulting in
less amplitude, severe tonal variations, and a distorted perceived overall quality of the sound. This
is especially of concern when recording two microphones within close proximity. In this instance,
activating the phase reverse switch on one of the microphone channels will help avoid phase can-
cellation issues.
The phase reverse switch is also extremely handy when used to correct inverted XLR pin wiring
4.6 Independent (8x) peak indicator LED’s
Fac* c*anne/ .eatures a peak /ig*t LF7 indicator. T*is 3o3entari/> indicates ?*en t*e input sig@
na/ strengt* *as reac*ed opti3u3 input /e4e/.
! A continuously illuminated peak LED indicates you have surpassed optimum input level and dis-
tortion of the respective channels audio signal will occur. It’s time to adjust your gain structure!
5.1 General use of the EP84
Xour si3p/e stagesC
Evaluate your application and make decisions
@ Xirst/>1 >ou need to kno? ?*at >ou are tr>ing to pre@a3p/i.>. Wt 3a>be a sing/e 3icrop*one sig@
na/1 3u/tip/e 3icrop*one signa/s1 or /ine /e4e/ signa/ t*at re=uires strengt*ening. Y*at t>pes o.
3icrop*ones are going to be usedl 7o t*e 3icrop*ones re=uire p*anto3 po?erl Yi// /o? .re@
=uenc> sound ?a4es need to be 3ini3iRedl Ws t*ere t*e possibi/it> o. p*ase cance//ation issues
arisingl T*ese t>pes o. =uestions 3ust be ans?ered i. >ou are to correct/> con.igure t*e FP84
.or success.u/ operation and per.or3ance. Unce >ou *a4e a good idea ?*at >ou are tr>ing to
ac*ie4e1 >ou can 3ake t*e necessar> connections1 and con.igure t*e FP84^s c*anne/ settings
?it* con.idence.
Содержание EP84
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