Installation - )ront Panel Controls
3.4 Audio Connections
Analog Inputs
8 8 co3bo SdLR _ TS) input connectors can be .ound on t*e .ront pane/. T*ese are t*e direct ana@
/og inputs to t*e FP84^s 8 indi4idua/ prea3p/i.ier 3odu/es. Wnput >our audio source 3ateria/ 4ia
eit*er dLR or ef TS cab/e connectors.
Analog outputs
Jot* ba/anced L4dJ dLR and unba/anced @10dJ ef TS ana/og output connectors are pro4ided .or
eac* o. t*e eig*t S8) prea3p/i.ier c*anne/s. Wndi4idua/ output /e4e/s can be contro//ed 4ia t*e asso@
ciated c*anne/s rotar> gain contro/ encoder on t*e .ront pane/.
Insert Points
Fac* c*anne/ o. t*e FP84 .eatures a ef TRS insert connector. T>pica//>1 inserts are use.u/ ?*en
integrating additiona/ outboard e=uip3ent Snoise gates1 e8panders1 co3pressors1 etc.) in@/ine ?it*
>our audio source 3ateria/. J> using a stereo 1c4f TRS audio insert cab/e >ou can insert e8terna/
de4ices direct/> into t*e signa/ pat* o. an> o. t*e eig*t audio c*anne/s
4.1 Independent (8x) rotary preamplifier gain controls
Fac* c*anne/ .eatures a rotar> gain contro/ .or 4ariab/e adZust3ent o. t*e desired
pre@a3p/i.ier /e4e/. 60dJ o. 4ariab/e gain is a4ai/ab/e per c*anne/. C/ock?ise rota@
tion increases t*e gain1 ?*ereas anti@c/ock?ise rotation decreases t*e gain.
! Always begin using the EP84 with all gain controls set to the minimum value.
This way you can increase each channel gain gradually to the desired level with-
out experiencing possible unwanted and unexpected loud signal surprises to both
you and the rest of your audio equipment!
4.2 Independent (8x) -20dB PAD switches
A @20dJ PA7 s?itc* is pro4ided .or eac* c*anne/ to a//o? a t?ent> S20) decibe/ gain reduction o. t*e
inco3ing signa/ i. desiredcre=uired. Y*en enab/ed t*e corresponding @20dJ PA7 LF7 ?i// i//u3inate.
! This function is useful when connecting extremely "hot" signals. Excessive signal input levels can
overdrive the EP84’s pre-amplifier input stage resulting in unwanted signal distortion. The PAD
switch allows -20dB of gain attenuation/reduction to compensate for this situation prior to finer pre-
amplifier gain adjustment.
4.3 Independent (8x) phantom power +48v switches
Fac* c*anne/ o. t*e FP84 .eatures a p*anto3 po?er s?itc* to .aci/itate enab/ing or disab/ing o.
484 o. continuous po?er supp/> to t*e c*anne/. Y*en enab/ed t*e corresponding p*anto3 po?er
LF7 ?i// i//u3inate.
EP84 rear panel
Содержание EP84
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