Sling LSA
Section 7
Pilot Operating Handbook
Ground Handling
Document Number: DC-POH-002-X-A-6
Page | 8-2
Revision: 3.0
Date: 2021/04/23
If you wish to move the aircraft, other than under its own power, it is
best to pull/push the aircraft by holding one or more of the propeller
blades, close to the spinner. The rear fuselage/empennage may be
pushed down directly above the bulkhead or close to the root on the
horizontal stabilizer, directly above the front spar where it attaches to
a rib. This for lifting the nosewheel for manoeuvring purposes.
It is also acceptable to push the aircraft backwards by putting pressure
on the wing/horizontal stabilizer leading edge, directly over a rib.
It is advisable to park the aircraft inside a hangar, or alternatively inside
other suitable spaces, with good temperature, good ventilation, low
humidity and dust-free.
When parking for extended for extended periods, cover the cockpit
canopy, and possibly the whole aircraft by means of a suitable
When parking the aircraft outside, avoid parking for extended periods
of time. Cover the panel/interior with a suitable cover or canopy cover
to avoid degradation of the upholstery due to the sun.
Avoid excessive pressure on the aircraft airframe - especially at or near
control surfaces. The skins are thin and minimum pressure should be
placed on them. Excessive pressure could lead to the buckling of the