Sling LSA
Section 7
Pilot Operating Handbook
Aircraft and Systems
Document Number: DC-POH-002-X-A-6
Page | 7-25
Revision: 3.0
Date: 2021/04/23
Main and Auxiliary Fuel Pumps
The main and auxiliary fuel pumps are powered via the EMS/ECU. As
long as power is available to the EMS/ECU, both fuel pumps can be
selected/operated, irrespective of the master switch status.
Fuel System Diagram Key – 912 iS
A Port (left) fuel tank
(International version only)
G 8mm T-piece
B Starboard (right) fuel tank
H 8mm T-piece with jet
C Fuel selector (OFF, ON, OFF)
I Fuel pressure sensor
D Fuel filter (90° bend)
J Fuel filter
E Gascolator
K Bypass pressure valve
F Rotax fuel pump
L 912 iS Engine
At least one fuel pump must be operational at all times during flight for
the engine to be operational with no pump operational engine stoppage
will occur due to fuel starvation.