Trouble Shooting:
If too tight
Do not remold!!
Dip the section the hot water for several seconds. Remove quickly. Repeat until resolved. If the
area around the upper front teeth is still tight reheat that section for a few seconds and then use
your index finger to spread it out away from the teeth.
ometimes, it can take several days
before the device stops shrinking
and feeling too tight
. If that occurs
each night run the
tight section under hot tap water for about 30 seconds and place back in the mouth for
the night.
During the cooling process,
only use cold water to tighten
the device. Tightening the device is
required when there are missing teeth or very short crowns. After molding place in cold water to
tighten and set the device.
Too tight on the front teeth?
Additional adjustments:
If after using the device for several days you still find that you are snoring, an adjustment can be
made. Use the hex pin to loosen the screws and advance each cam 1 mm forward. Tighten and
try it for another night. Repeat as necessary. Be careful not to advance too much as it may cause
pain. Maximum forward position does not always get the best results.
Setting the wheel
forward toward the
front teeth will in-
crease the protrusion
of the jaw.