corner tube
short spring
1 short spring
1 short spring
1 short spring
short spring
7. Attach the V-ring sewn to the corner of the mat to the tube welded to
corner tube by
short spring as shown, then there will be four short springs
attached . One to each corner.
Safety Note: As you attach Springs, carefully
count the V-rings and frame holes. If a V-ring or hole is
skipped, reattach the Springs in the proper position.
Note:The spring has a large hook which attaches to the
frame and a small hook which attaches to the mat V-ring.
Attach the Spring(10) as follows: Hook one end of a spring
into a V-ring sewn on the jump mat. hook a Spring tool
shown as the inset drawing into the free end of the Spring. pull
it by the Spring tool until it reach the frame. push the end of the
Spring into a hole in the frame. Unhook the Spring tool.
It is important to follow the below instructions for attaching springs
to avoid making attaching the final springs more difficult.
Count exactly 10 frame holes and 10 V-rings in the 14ft direction. Attach
three long springs. Repeat on the opposite 14ft long side of the trampoline.
Count exactly 5 frame holes and 5 V-rings in the 8ft direction. Attach
two long springs. Repeat on the opposite 8ft long side of the trampoline.
You should now have 14 springs attached.
Continue to attach the remaining long springs between the previously
attached springs, until all springs are attached.
3 long springs
3 long springs
2 long
2 long
NOTE: Inspect the attachments of the enclosure netting to the
trampoline mat (bed). Make certain each of the V-rings on
the trampoline mat (bed) is threaded through the
corresponding “buttonhole” in the netting.
Note: There are 84 V-rings around the edge of the Mat (9)
and 84 holes around the top of the frame. In Steps 7
Caution: It is wise to wear leather gloves while attach-
ing the Springs. Be careful where you place your
hands as the Springs and frame joints can pinch.
you will attach the Mat (9) to the frame, by first attaching the four short
springs, one at each corner