* Avoid mechanical shocks, once they may cause damages or bad func oning.
* Avoid water, dirt or dust contact to the mechanical and electrical components of the
* DO NOT change the standard characteris cs of the machine.
* DO NOT remove, tear o
or maculate any safety or iden
ca on labels stuck on the
machine. If any labels have been removed or are no longer legible, contact your nearest
dealer for replacement.
4.2 Safety Procedures and Notes before Switching the Machine ON
Carefully read ALL INSTRUCTIONS of this manual before turning the machine ON.
Be sure to well understand all the informa on contained in this manual. If you
have any ques on contact your supervisor or your nearest Dealer.
4.2.1 Danger
An electric cable or electric wire with damaged jacket or bad insula on might cause
electrical shocks as well as electrical leak. Before use, check the condi ons of all wires and
4.2.2 Advices
Be sure to well understand all the informa on contained in this manual. Every opera on
func on or procedure has to be thoroughly clear.
Before using any commands (switch, bu ons, lever), be sure it is the correct one. In case
of doubt, consult this manual.
4.2.3 Precau ons
The electric cable has to be compa ble with the power required by the machine.
Cables touching the
oor or close to the machine need to be protected against short
The oil reservoirs have to be
lled un l the indicated level. Check and re
ll if necessary.
4.3 Rou ne Inspec on
4.3.1 Advice
When checking the tension of the belts or chains, DO NOT insert your
ngers between the
belts and the pulleys and nor between the chain and the gears.
4.3.2 Precau ons
Check the motor and sliding or turning parts of the machine in case of abnormal noises.
Check the tension of the belts and chains and replace the set when belts or chains show
Racleur de la Lame
Glissez le Racleur de la Lame lateralment pour le sor r.
Racleur du Volant
Enlevez le Volant Inférieur et il su
ra rer le Racleur du Volant vers le devant de la scie le
sortant de son guide.
Calibreur de la Lame
Placez vous derrière la scie et re rez le Couvercle Arrière Supérieur No.01 (Fig.10). Tournez
le Manipule du Calibreur de la Lame No 02 (Fig.11) dans le sense an -horaire pour que le
Calibreur de la Lame No. 01 (Fig.11) soit libre et puisse être re ré.
Re rer aussi le Manipule du Calibreur No 02 ( Fig.11 )
Laver toutes les par es avec eau et détergent à Ph neutre.
Ne pas employer de jets d’eau directement sur le Coussinet Inférieur, la Tableau de
Commande et le Cabinet principalment au points de ven la on.
Employer un chifon propre et una brosse douce pour enlever les residus.
Laver et hygienizer régulièrement toutes les par es, pour ensuite les sécher.
Monter toutes les par es ayant été re rés par le procédé inverse à celui instruit ci dessus,
prenent soin pour qu’ elles soient montés correctement.