Sk y Paragliders, m anufacturer of gliders and paragliding eq uipm ent
Sk y Paraglid e rs is a Cz e ch com pany w ith a long trad ition in th e prod uction and d e ve lopm e nt
of w id e range of paraglid ing prod ucts; w ings, h arne sse s and re scue syste m s includ e d .
A ll th e products are m anufacture d in th e Cz e ch R e public using th e late st te ch nologie s available.
Th e w h ole prod uction is q uality orie nte d and th e prod uction q uality is w e ll re flecte d in th e
fact th e com pany h olds
ISO 9 001:2000
D H V Certified M anufacturer Plant
ce rtificate s.
But in fact, it is m ainly th e trust in our prod ucts th at provid e s us w ith th e be st and m ost
valuable ce rtificate ; and not only th at – your trust is th e ch allenge for our future w ork .
Содержание Atis 22008
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