Electrical equipment must not be disposed of in a household waste container! With regard to the WEEE Direc�ve
(Direc�ve 2012/19/EU) applicable within the European Union, these products must be disposed of in accordance with
local regula�ons. Due to the valuable raw materials in the device, which should be recovered in the recycling process,
the device should be disposed of or recycled to an appropriate waste segrega�on point. Such an electrical device can be
disposed of during the arranged collec�ons; all informa�on can be obtained from the competent municipal office or
gmina office.
Schedule of works recommended to be performed for proper opera�on of the device.
Before star�ng any ac�vity related to maintenance of the device or checking its technical condi�on, remember to
unplug the device from the power source. All these opera�ons should be carried out with dry and clean tools. It is
prohibited to open the housing while the machine is connected to the power supply. Any interference with the welding
rec�fier on your own may cause the deteriora�on of safety and func�onality, and void the warranty.
1. Visual inspec�on of the housing, control panel, knobs, transport elements and
2. Visual inspec�on of the power cord, including the plug. Verifica�on of electrical
wire insula�on.
3. Visual inspec�on of the working cables of the device. Verifica�on of electrical
insula�on of working cables and correctness of device connec�on.
4. Visual inspec�on of the device cooling fan. Verifica�on whether the fan operates
5. Visual inspec�on of the ven�la�on holes in the device. Verifica�on whether the
holes are not clogged or obstructed.
6. Cleaning the exterior of the device to remove dust and solid impuri�es.
7. Visual inspec�on of the gas hose connec�ng the cylinder reducer with the
welding device. Verifica�on whether the gas hose is connected �ghtly and correctly.
1. Cleaning the interior of the device to remove dust and solid impuri�es using
compressed air.
2. Visual inspec�on of electrical connec�ons inside the device. Verifica�on whether
the contacts of internal electrical components are connected correctly.
3. Visual inspec�on of wire feed system components. Verifica�on of the fastening of
rollers and the guide bushing of the wire feeder.
of work
Once a month