2. Material selec�on
Turn the knob on the right to select the welded material.
• Carbon steel (black steel).
• Stainless steel.
• Al-SI – aluminium and silicon alloy, the most common choice.
• Al-Mg – aluminium and magnesium alloy, hard aluminium alloys, such as car rims.
• Cu-SI – copper and silicon alloy for braze welding, zinc and cast iron welding.
3. Material thickness selec�on
Turn the knob to the le� to go to the next build plate thickness in the menu. Turn the knob to the right to adjust the
build plate thickness.
4. Wire diameter selec�on
Select the appropriate diameter of the wire installed in the feeder chamber.
5. Grip method selec�on
• 2T – two touch welding. To start the arc, press the bu�on on the welding gun and hold it during welding; releasing the
bu�on will ex�nguish the welding arc.
• 4T – four touch welding; to start the arc, press the bu�on on the welding gun and then release it. The arc will be
maintained. To ex�nguish the welding arc, press the bu�on again and release it.
4T mode is recommended for welding long welds.
Remember that the methods men�oned above, with the excep�on of (AUTO), require a different set of accessories
and different device connec�on and se�ngs; remember to familiarise yourself with the issues discussed above for
correct connec�on of sets in a given method.