The MMA method uses a coated electrode consis�ng of a shielded metal core. An electric arc is formed between the
end of the electrode and the welded material. Arc is ignited by touching the electrode with the end of the workpiece.
The welder feeds the electrode as it fuses into the workpiece so as to maintain a constant arc length and simultaneously
moves its mel�ng end along the welding line. The mel�ng electrode coa�ng emits shielding gases that protect the liquid
metal from the effects of the surrounding atmosphere, and then solidifies and forms slag on the surface, which protects
the solidifying weld from cooling to quickly and prevents its harmful impact on the environment.
1. Welding current selec�on
Set the welding current with the knob on the right; the machine will automa�cally suggest the thickness of the welded
material and the electrode diameter to be used at the selected current [A].
2. Hot start (HOT START)
A func�on that facilitates welding. When the arc is ignited, the welding current is temporarily increased to heat the
material and electrode at the point of contact and to properly shape the weld penetra�on and face in the ini�al welding
3.Arc force (ARC FORCE)
It stabilises the arc regardless of its length fluctua�ons, and reduces the amount of spa�er.
4. VRD
Press the bu�on to enable the VRD func�on. To disable it, press the bu�on again. We recommend enabling the VRD
func�on for MMA welding. Voltage reduc�on in the electrical circuit. In the case of short circuit of the electrode with
the material and lack of electric arc, the VRD func�on cuts off the power supply to prevent overhea�ng.