Registered in England No. 08405712
VAT Registration No. GB163 04 0349
Siretta Ltd
Basingstoke Road
Spencers Wood
Berkshire RG7 1PW
+44(0)118 976 9000
Hardware Manual
Each output must be defaulted to be logic level high (5 V) or low (0 V) at power up. Both
outputs are completely independent in their operation and settings.
The outputs may be programmed to change state on change of input or received SMS
message. Change of state can be immediate or delayed by a programmable period of up
to 30 seconds. One triggered, the state change lasts for a programmable period up to
255 seconds before resetting. A state change can be a logic high, logic low, or a pulsing
output of user defined mark space ratio.
When using SMS, to provide security the user must send the SMS from one of two
user define phone numbers with a user defined message otherwise the text message
will be ignored by the QUARTZ-ONYX. Valid SMS messages are acknowledged by the
QUARTZ-ONYX so that the user knows that the command has been received.
Input DI1 and Input DI2 can be used to trigger the sending of an outgoing SMS
message, or to trigger an output port. Both inputs are completely independent in their
operation and settings.
Input DI1 has an internal pull-down resistor to ground and is triggered by being taken to
Input DI2 has in internal pull-up resistor to 5V and is triggered by being taken to 0V.
Both inputs are digitally filtered to prevent spurious noise from causing the input to
trigger. By default, a change of input state must persist for at least 100 mS to be
recognised as a change of state. State changes shorted than this are ignored. This filter
can be programmed to be up to 10 seconds in length should the application require it.
If used to generate a SMS, a user defined message is sent to up to two phone numbers.
Third party applications could extend this feature by forwarding the SMS received from
the QUARTZ-ONYX to other phone numbers or to email.