6 of 8
NOTE: You will not receive an electrical shock by touching this knob,
provided that your other hand is not touching any other surface.
Touching the pickup mat or ground plane while the charge is being applied,
however, could result in electrical shock.
While the pickup mat is charging, use the insulated roller to flatten out any
air bubbles between the mat and the surface being examined (Fig. 2).
7. Normal charging time is approximately 15-30 seconds. Longer charging
produces better results, but will shorten battery life. The pickup mat being flat
against the surface is a good indication that further charging is not necessary.
8. Removing the unit from the surface will turn off the high voltage and auto-
matically reset the control knob to the High Voltage off position.
9. Lift the mat and examine the black surface for dust prints.
Lifting Dust Prints from Metal Surfaces
The ESP900 also lifts prints from metal surfaces such as desktops, vehicle
bodies, metal cabinets, and other metal surfaces. Place the ground plane insu-
lating sheet within an inch of the pickup mat (Fig. 3). Center the ground plane
on the insulating sheet leaving a 1/2" border around the ground plane.
Failure to use the Ground Plane Insulator may result in arcing between the pickup mat and the metal
surface of the pickup mat and may damage the surface being tested.
1. Switch the power ON and slowly increase voltage. On most metal surfaces, it will not be necessary to
go beyond the lowest voltage setting. Allow a charge for at least 15 seconds (30 seconds max).
2. After the charging cycle is complete, remove the unit.