Note: To ensure proper operation, please read this manual thoroughly before using the
product and retain the information for future reference.
Copyright © 2015 Siqura B.V.
All rights reserved.
HSD626EXP 4.14
Installation Manual v1.0 (150110-1)
Nothing from this publication may be copied, translated, reproduced, and/or published by
means of printing, photocopying, or by any other means without the prior written permission
of Siqura.
Siqura reserves the right to modify specifications stated in this manual.
Brand names
Any brand names mentioned in this manual are registered trademarks of their respective
Siqura accepts no liability for claims from third parties arising from improper use other than
that stated in this manual.
Although considerable care has been taken to ensure a correct and suitably comprehensive
description of all relevant product components, this manual may nonetheless contain errors
and inaccuracies. We invite you to offer your suggestions and comments by email via
t.writing@tkhsecurity.com. Your feedback will help us to further improve our documentation.
How to contact us
If you have any comments or queries concerning any aspect related to the product, do not
hesitate to contact:
Siqura B.V.
Zuidelijk Halfrond 4
2801 DD Gouda
The Netherlands
General : +31 182 592 333
Fax : +31 182 592 123
E-mail : sales.nl@tkhsecurity.com
WWW : www.siqura.com