Vehicle GPS Tracking Device
T229L User Manual
Download USB driver and PC Tool at
. Install the USB
driver and PC Tool on your PC.
Connect device to PC through USB configuration cable, open the OBD PC Tool, and click on
“Help -> User manual” for configuration reference.
3.2 SMS Instructions
SMS command is mainly for remote maintenance. The message content is text format.
Default secret key is the last 6 digits of the device ID. The key can only be changed through
PC Tool. SMS format is defined as follows:
3.2.1 Set IP parameters
Send SMS
*SecretKey#set gprs#APN,User,Password,IP,Port*
, device will reply
*set gprs#ok*
*set gprs#fail*
e.g.: *123456#set gprs#cmnet,,,,11088*
3.2.2 Get IP parameters
Send SMS
*SecretKey#get gprs#*
, device will reply
*get gprs#APN,User,Password, IP,Port*
e.g.: *123456#get gprs#*
3.2.3 Set domain parameters
Send SMS
*SecretKey#set domain#APN,User,Password,IP,Port*
, device will reply
*set domain#fail*
e.g.: *123456#set domain#cmnet,,,obd.livetelematics.com,11088*
3.2.4 Get domain parameters
Send SMS
*SecretKey#get domain#*
, device will reply
*get domain#APN,User,
e.g.: *123456#get domain#*
3.2.5 Get current location
Send SMS
, device will reply
e.g.: *123456#position#*http://maps.google.com/?q=22.536934,114.021425*
3.2.6 Set working mode
Send SMS
, device will reply