6- ENG
DANGER: Risk of iNJURy oR pRop
tRANspoRtiNG oR stoRiNG
WhAt cAN hAppEN
hoW to pREvENt it
• Fuel or oil can leak or spill and could
result in fire or breathing hazard.
Se rious in ju ry or death can re sult.
Fuel or oil leaks will dam age carpet,
paint or oth er surfaces in ve hi cles or
• Oil could fill the cylinder and damage
the engine if the unit is not stored or
transported in an upright position.
• If pressure washer is equipped with a fuel
shut-off valve, turn the valve to the OFF
position before transporting to avoid fuel
leaks. If pres sure wash er is not equipped
with a fuel shut-off valve, drain the fuel
from tank before trans port ing. Only trans-
port fuel in an OSHA-approved container.
Al ways place pressure washer on a
protective mat when transporting to
protect against dam age to vehicle from
Always transport and store unit in an
upright position. Re move pres sure
washer from vehicle immediately upon
arrival at your destination.
DANGER: Risk of ElEc tRi cAl shock
WhAt cAN hAppEN
hoW to pREvENt it
• Spray di rect ed at elec tri cal outlets or
switch es, or ob jects con nect ed to an
elec tri cal circuit, could re sult in a fatal
electrical shock.
• Unplug any elec tri cal ly op er at ed product
before attempting to clean it. Direct spray
away from electric out lets and switches.
DANGER: Risk of chEMicAl BURN
WhAt cAN hAppEN
hoW to pREvENt it
• Use of acids, toxic or corrosive
chemicals, poisons, in sec ti cides, or
any kind of flam ma ble solvent with this
product could re sult in se ri ous injury or
• Do not spray ac ids, gasoline, ker o sene,
or any other flammable materials with this
product. Use only household de ter gents,
cleaners and degreasers recommended
for use with pres sure washers.
• Wear pro tec tive clothing to protect
eyes and skin from con tact with sprayed