response times required by the ANSI specification for
a Type S2A instrument.
SLOW Response:
Response to a 500 millisecond tone burst of 1000 Hz
is nominally 2.5 dB down from a reference steady
state signal at the same level and frequency. Over-
shoot response to a suddenly applied steady state
signal is less than 0.5 dB. When an applied signal is
tuned off, the decay rate is less than 3 seconds per 10
FAST Response:
Response to a 200 millisecond tone burst of 1000 Hz
is nominally 2.0 dB down from a reference steady
state signal at the same level and frequency. Over-
shoot response to a suddenly applied steady state
signal is less than 0.5 dB. When an applied signal is
tuned off, the decay rate is less than 0.5 seconds per
10 dB
Primary indicator range is from 0 dB to +10 dB on
each range. Overall indicator range is –5 dB to +10
dB. The dedicated "OSHA" range primary indication
is +105 dB to +115 dB, with an overall indication of
+100 dB to +115 dB. Within these limits, the primary
indicator accuracy is 1 dB and the overall accuracy is
1.5 dB.
Recommended calibration frequency is 1000 Hz at
sound pressure levels of either 94 dB on the 90 dB
range, or 114 dB on the 110 dB range. Screwdriver
adjustable from the side of the case.
Output Connections:
This Instrument is provided with three outputs: Exter-
nal Filter, RMS Output, and dB Output.
External Filter:
Provides non-weighted (flat response) output of 120
mV RMS, at meter reading of +10 dB, into a 100 KV
load; a lower impedance may affect the meter read-
ing. This output is not affected by the "Fast-Slow" set-
ting. The recommended plug is Switchcraft's #750
(0.141" diameter).
RMS Output:
Provides weighted or non-weighted output of 1.00 V
RMS, at a meter reading of +10 dB, into a 100 KV
load; a lower impedance will not affect the meter read-
ing. This output is not affected by the "Fast-Slow" set-
ting. The recommended plug is Switchcraft's #850
(0.097" diameter).
dB Output:
Provides logarithmic output of +1.50 V DC, at a meter
reading of +10 dB, into a 100 KV load; a lower imped-
ance will not affect the meter reading. The response
time of this output is set by the "Fast-Slow" setting. The
exponential-time-averaging time constant is per ANSI
S1.4-1983, paragraphs 6.2 and 6.3: Slow is 1000
milliseconds, and Fast is 125 milliseconds. The rec-
ommended plug is Switchcraft's #850 (0.097" diam-
10. Power
One 9-volt alkaline battery, NEDA 1604A (or equal)