Safety kit assembly is mandatory.
The kit code 8101524 supplied as option
“DEWY EQUIPE P100-200-300-400
models it is formed (fig. 7):
– System supply flanged section code
– System return flanged section code
– Gaskets, nuts and fastening screws M16
– T h e r m o m e t e r 0 - 12 0 ° C 1 / 2 ” c o d e
– 4.5 BAR safety valve code 6042206
and drain funnel code 6269403
– Safety thermostat 100°C manual reset
code 6001409
– 5 BAR 1/4” water pressure switch code
– 0-10 BAR 1/4” pressure gauge code
6217051, tap cod. 6216606 and lock
code 6216650
– Expansion vessel 8 liters code 6245108,
connection pipe code 6227661, gaskets
and nipple.
WARNING: In models “P100-200-300-
400 BOX” the safety kit can be inserted
i n a s p e c i f i c p r o t e c t i v e c a s e c o d e
8101527 supplied separately.
The kit code 8101525 supplied as option
f o r
“ D E W Y E Q U I P E P 5 0 0 - 6 0 0 B OX ”
models it is formed (fig. 7/a):
– System supply flanged section code
– System return flanged section code
– Gaskets, nuts and fastening screws M16
– T h e r m o m e t e r 0 - 12 0 ° C 1 / 2 ” c o d e
– 4.5 BAR safety valve code 6042206
and drain funnel code 6269403
– Safety thermostat 100°C manual reset
code 6001409
– 5 BAR 1/4” water pressure switch code
– 0-10 BAR 1/4” pressure gauge code
6217051, tap code 6216606 and lock
code 6216650
– Expansion vessel 8 liters code 6245108,
connection pipe code 6227661, gaskets
and nipple.
WARNING: In models “P500-600 BOX”
the safety kit can be inserted in a specific
protective case code 8101527 supplied
Fig. 7
Capillar y assembl y of fuel
on/of f val ve calibr at ed t o
98°C, not supplied.
Fig. 7/a
Assembly of the capillary of
the qualified fuel cut off valve,
calibrated at 98°C, supplied
as option.
ATTENTION: Safety kit assembly
is mandatory.
ATTENTION: Safety kit assembly
is mandatory.