Page 10
5. Each horizontal and vertical
Velcro strips in the frame
will share into the same
grommet in the four corners
of the screen. (Fig. 17)
6. Figure 18 shows the strips
in the laced position. You
can see how evenly
distributed the screen is
against the frame.
7. At this point the frame is still
80% inflated.
8. Inflate the frame up
completely to 100%.
9. Check to see where the
screen needs to be
tightened. The screen will
need adjusted to areas
where less taut.
10. Deflate back to 80% to
adjust screen.
11. Now remember the areas
that need to be tightened
and adjust the Velcro strips
as needed.
12. Upon completely attaching
the screen, Re-connect the
pump and fill the screen
100% with air. This will pull
the screen tight and insure
the best possible projection
Fig. 17
Fig. 18