The wings have excess resin “rods” on the upper tips (see
Photo 2
), these must be removed as the outer wing
should be smooth.
Check your fuselage framing for any breaks before you remove the pour blocks. You should repair any breaks
with superglue before removing the pour blocks.
If you intend to use the kit provided cockpit frame cross brace tubes, be sure to measure them before you
remove them from the pour stubs as I found I had to trim carefully in order to not end up with tubes that were
too short.
Take care in removing the pour block from the seat back, as there should be a lip at the top.
There are two different types of engine cylinders. Be sure to keep them organized as one set goes on the front
of the engine, the other on the rear (front on the left, rear on the right in
Photo 3
). Some of the engine
cylinders may have some slight seams on the sides that require cleanup, however any that you "miss" during
cleanup will likely not be visible on the finished model without searching really hard for them.