16. Reporting Formats
The Silent Knight Model 5128/29 can transmit information in several different formats (including two types of
BFSK and SIA formats). The type of format you select is determined by the type of receiver used at the central
station (see Section 15, Step 31). Note that the SIA formats are recommended for use with the 5128/29. (All
formats listed below are compatible with the Silent Knight model 9000 receiver.)
NOTE: Some formats do not distinguish between certain types of reports, such as between waterflow and fire
alarms or between supervisory and trouble reports. Central station personnel must keep records of
how the various zones are programmed at each account, so they can determine what condition is being
reported for a particular zone.
Security Industry Association standard. Used with the Silent Knight
model 9000 Digital Alarm Receiver and model 9004 or model 9004I
SIA line card.
Security Industry Association standard. Used with the Silent Knight
model 9000 receiver, with a 9004I SIA line card and a 9200 CPU
card, Revision E.
High-speed, single-round format for use with older receivers.
Transmits a 4-digit account number and a 2-digit alarm code at 20 pps.
Format used with receivers that can receive 4+2 at 20 pps and can
send a 1400 Hz acknowledgment tone. Uses a 4-digit account
High speed, single-round format used with receivers that can receive
(Radionics) BFSK and can send a 1400-Hz acknowledgment tone.
Uses a 3-digit account number.
High speed, single-round format used with receivers that can receive
(Radionics) BFSK and can send a 2300-Hz acknowledgment tone.
Uses a 3-digit account number.
SK3/1 14
Used with older Silent Knight, Ademco, or Sescoa receivers that can
receive at 20 pps and send a 1400-Hz acknowledgment tone.
Sescoa 3/1
Used with older Sescoa or other receivers that can receive at 20 pps
and send a 2300-Hz acknowledgment tone.
The tables in the subsections that follow show the digits that are transmitted for each event reported by the
5128/29 dialer, and the message that is printed if the central station uses the Silent Knight model 9000 receiver.
A separate table is shown for each format.