9900 Transmitter
Adjust the LCD contrast for best viewing for your environment.
A setting of 1 is lowest contrast, 5 is highest. Default = 3.
Select backlight level (OFF, LOW, HIGH, AUTO). Default = AUTO.
No backlight when operating on loop power.
Enter 5 digit value to represent bar at minimum.
Default = 0 (ORP = -999).
Enter 5 digit value to represent bar at maximum.
Defaults = 100 (Flow, Cond/Res, Temp), 14 (pH), 1000 (ORP), 10 (Lvl/Prs), 5 (4 to 20 mA),
80 (Sal), 20 (DO)
(ALL) Set the decimal to the best resolution for your application.
The display will automatically scale up to this resolution.
Select -----., ----.-, ---.--, --.---, or -.---- (varies by parameter). Default = ----.-.
(pH, COND/RES, TEMP, SAL, DO only)
Set the Temperature decimal to the best resolution for your application.
The display will automatically scale up to this resolution. Select -----., ----.-, or ---.--. Default = ----.-.
(FLOW only) Set the decimal to the best resolution for the Permanent Totalizer display.
The display will automatically scale up to this resolution. Select -----., ----.-, ---.-- or --.---.
Default = ----.-
(COND/RES only) Displays mS or
S as set in COND UNITS in INPUT Mode.
Set ON/OFF. Default = OFF.
(FLOW only) Locks the TOTALIZER output. Select OFF, ON (Does not affect Permanent Totalizer).
Default = OFF.
(ALL) Select STD, CODE.
Default = STD.
(ALL) Enter desired password code. 4-character entry not displayed, ---- displayed instead.
(Shown if type = CODE.)
(ALL) Enter 13-character string, if desired.
Default = Blank.
Enables Remote Setup to con
gure the 9900 via a computer and the optional 0252 Con
guration tool.
and select YES to enable. REMOTE SETUP flashes when mode is enabled.
Communication with 0252 tool is automatic when 9900 is in FACTORY state (Enter flashing).
Refer to the 0252 Configuration Tool manual, 3-0252.090, included with your configuration tool.
Displays Transmitter Generation Version.
Common Menus