CSDI 162
Page 7
The minimal system of a safety-related control, formed as shown above, with a C-IPC a
CMB 081 and a Safety CPU type CSCP 012.
The safety-related application is found in the Safety CPU and can run independently of the
C-IPC. The C-IPC, however, is required to power the bus correctly and cannot be removed.
In addition, it is also needed to establish the communication between the Safety CPU and
the design tool (SafetyDesigner).
On the C-IPC and coupler modules, connectors are provided over which the C-DIAS bus
must be externally supplied with a voltage of 24 V. The external supply for the output and
clock drivers should be independent of the external C-DIAS bus supply (see below)
With the help from an SD card with a valid configuration, the Safety CPU can also be con-
figured independently of the design tool (SafetyDesigner). More information hereto can be
found in the chapter "Handling the micro SD card". With regard to the configuration using
the design tool, the SafetyDesign handbook must be consulted.