Laboratory centrifuge Sigma 1-7
1 General information
Version 08/2018, Rev. 1.7 of 28/04/2022
• sb
9 / 68
Translation of the original operating manual, part no. 0703402
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General information
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Importance of the operating manual
A fundamental requirement for the safe and trouble-free operation of the
centrifuge is to be familiar with the fundamental safety instructions and all
possible hazards.
The operating manual includes important information concerning the safe
operation of the centrifuge.
This operating manual and, in particular, the notes on safety and hazards
must be observed by all persons operating the centrifuge.
In addition, the local rules and regulations for the prevention of accidents
must be complied with.
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Intended use
Centrifuges are power-driven machines that separate liquids from solid
matter, liquid mixtures, or solid mixtures by centrifugal force. They are
solely intended for this purpose. Any other use beyond this area of
application is regarded as improper use. Sigma Laborzentrifugen GmbH
cannot be held liable for any damage resulting from such improper use.
The intended use also includes
• observation of all the notes and instructions included in the operating
manual and
• compliance with the care, cleaning, and maintenance instructions.
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Warranty and liability
The warranty and liability are subject to our "General Conditions" that were
distributed to the operator upon the conclusion of the contract.
Warranty and liability claims are excluded if they are due to:
• improper use.
• non-compliance with the safety instructions and hazard warnings in the
operating manual.
• improper installation, start-up, operation, or maintenance of the
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