page 30
DVD Station Rev NS001b004
language. The second language selection identifies subtitles with extra
Figure 20. Subtitle Selector
Use the
Menu Selector
to activate the DVD-based menu
structure, if available. Click the button while a DVD is playing
to access the DVD-based menu. For example, some discs allow
you to access the multiple language soundtrack, multiple
camera angles, and subtitle options using the DVD menu.
Use the
Title Selector
to activate the Title menu of a DVD, if
available. Click the button while the DVD is playing, and
operate the on-screen joystick (see Joystick Controller, next) to
choose a title. Click
to play the title.
Use the
Joystick Controller
to navigate through possible
choices offered in DVD menus. Once a menu is visible, click on
the up, down, left, or right arrows to highlight the option you
wish to select, and then click on the button in the center of the
joystick to select the highlighted item.
DVD Playback
Basic DVD Playback
Turn on the PC and press
button on the DVD-ROM
drive to open the disc tray.
Place a DVD disc on the tray and press the
button on
the DVD-ROM drive to close the disc tray.
Start DVD Station by navigating from the Start menu in the
Taskbar to Programs>REALmagic NetStream>DVD Station. If
the Auto-Play feature of DVD Station is enabled, the DVD will
automatically begin playing. Wait for the DVD control panel and a
Video Screen to appear (Figure 21, page 31).
Click the right mouse button to bring the control panel to the
foreground if it is behind the video screen and not visible.
on the keyboard to toggle between attaching and
detaching DVD Station to the MPEG video screen. The DVD
Station control panel is initially detached from the MPEG video