struts were attached. If that is not the case then further inspection
is required to check for improper assembly of the wing panels.
Highly unlikely, but possible, is a warped wing from the factory.
The wings are built and covered in jigs at the factory and checked
for warps before they are packaged and shipped. The change in
humidity and climate could allow one of the panels to warp
slightly. These warps can be easily be removed by twisting the
wing panel in the opposite direction of the warp and re-shrinking
the covering material on the appropriate side of the wing panel.
Continue holding the opposite twist in the wing until the covering
You may have to repeat this step until the warp is
completely removed.
This is an important section of this manual. After flying your SUN
DANCER for awhile, getting used to its characteristics, you will
likely change the control throws to suit your flying style. But you
have to start somewhere and this is where you begin. These
movements provided the SUN DANCER with very smooth control
inputs without the immediate need for exponential. We suggest
starting out with these movements as your low and high rates. You
can easily play with more control throw after you become
comfortable with the airplane, especially for 3-D flying.
Remember: Control movements should always be measured at
the widest point of the control surface.
Low Rate:
7/8" up, 7/8" Down
High Rate:
1-1/4" up, 1-1/4" down
Low Rate:
2" up, 2" down
High Rate:
3" up, 3" down
2-1/2" Right, 2-1/2" Left
The decals provided with this kit are typical markings that might be
seen on a full size aerobatic airplane. They are not intended to be
a complete set of markings to duplicate any particular full size
aircraft. However, I think you'll agree that when applied to the
airplane as shown on the box label, they look very realistic and
believable. Feel free to use all or only some of the decals in
different locations as you see fit.
The decals are made of adhesive-backed mylar, they are NOT
water activated transfers. These decals are not die-cut and need
to be cut from their sheets with a sharp #11 blade or scissors. Trim
as close to the image as possible.
Putting sticky-back decals on a model can be tricky! Especially
medium to large size ones like those in this kit. If you don't do it
right, you will end up with unsightly air bubbles trapped underneath
the decal. Here's a method that eliminates that problem entirely
and makes the job fun and easy.
You will need a "soapy water" mixture (water mixed with a very
small amount of dish soap, or SIG Pure Magic Model Airplane
Cleaner, or Fantastic
, Windex
, or 409
type cleaners all work
good). You will also need a supple squeegee (the SIG 4" Epoxy
Spreader #SIGSH678 is perfect for this job), a couple clean soft
cloths (old tee shirts are great), a good straight edge, a ruler, and
a hobby knife with a sharp #11 blade. We also suggest that you
have some trim tape handy for making temporary guidelines (1/8"
width is perfect), for help in aligning the decals.
First spray the surface of the model where the decal is to be placed
with a soapy water mixture.
Then peel the backing sheet
completely off the decal, being careful not to let the sticky side
double over and adhere to itself. Place the decal onto the wet
surface of the model. Do not push the decal down! The soapy
water solution will keep the decal from actually sticking to the
model until you have had time to shift it around into the exact
position. Once you have it in position, squeegee the excess soapy
water out from under the decal. Mop up the water with a dry cloth.
Squeegee repeatedly to get as much water out from under the
decal as possible. After setting overnight, the decal will be solidly
adhered to the surface.
In terms of the flight characteristics, you will realize, this is
probably the single most important step in preparing your SUN
DANCER for flight. The final placement of the longitudinal Center
of Gravity or Balance Point, is extremely important and should be
approached with patience and care. Completely assemble the
model, including propeller, spinner, etc. Do not leave anything off
the airplane that will be on it in flight. DO NOT FILL THE FUEL
TANK for balancing purposes.
Due to the large size and weight of the Sun Dancer, we found that
the simplest way to check the balance is the old "fingertips at the
wingtips" method.
First place a strip of masking tape on the
bottom side of each wingtip of the top wing. Measure back from
the leading edge and place marks on the masking tape at the
distances shown in the table below. Then, with you at one wingtip
and a helper at the other, place your fingers at the 27% mark and
gently lift the model up off the workbench. If the model hangs in a
tail low position, set the model back down and shift your finger
positions rearward slightly before picking it back up again (if the
model hangs nose low, shift your pickup position forward). Repeat
until you find the exact spot where the model sits perfectly level.
This is your current balance point. Adjust as necessary according
to the chart below.
* Percentage of Mean Aerodynamic Cord.
** Distance aft of wing leading edge
% MAC*
@ wing tip of the top wing**