Wing Attachment: Install the bottom wing and bolt securely in
place with the 1/4-20 x 1-1/2" nylon bolts.
Take care when
hooking up the wires for the aileron servos so they are not caught
between the wing and the wing saddle.
46) Attach the top wing to the fuselage by inserting the strut
fittings in the bottom of the wing into the slots in the nylon cabane
blocks. Line up the holes in the strut fittings with the holes in the
cabane blocks and secure the wing in place with the provided
M4 x 25mm (1") socket-head bolts. Plug the aileron extensions
into the connector that are taped to the inside of the cabane strut.
Note: Do not install the interplane struts at this time.
Wing Incidence:
Because the Sun Dancer is a biplane
configuration, the incidence of the wings is twice as critical and
therefore must be properly set up to achieve the "awesome" flight
performance that this model is capable of providing. The following
steps require the use of an "incidence meter" to properly align the
wings to the stabilizer. Do not attempt to set up this model without
the use of a good incidence meter.
47) Place an incidence meter on the stabilizer, and then place
blocks or scraps of balsa wood under the tailwheel until the meter
reads 0
of incidence.
Carefully remove the incidence meter, without disturbing the
blocked up airplane, and attach the meter to the bottom wing next
to the fuselage as shown in the photo. This should also read 0
incidence. If not, then look for the lead wires from the servos being
caught between the wing and wing saddle, or the wing improperly
Now move the incidence meter to the center of the top wing. View
the top wing from the front and make sure the wing is close to
horizontal (level). If needed, remove the top wing and turn the
cabane fittings in or out until the incidence meter reads 0
Interplane Struts:
48) Before we can attach the interplane struts we must first
align the holes in the fittings with the holes in the struts. Adjust the
fittings until each of the interplane struts can be bolted in place
without applying any pressure to the wing or strut to align the holes
of the struts and fittings. In addition, make sure that the wings are
the same distance apart at the wing tips by measuring from the
bottom of the top wing to the top of the bottom wing with a ruler.
Bolt the interplane struts in place with the (8) 4-40 x 3/8" socket-
head bolts, flat washers, and 4-40 lock nuts that have been
Using the incidence meter, measure the incidence of the four wing
panels at the inboard end of each aileron. Again, the incidence
should read 0
of incidence at each location. If the meter reads
anything other than 0
then we have to find the problem before
flying the model. The most likely place to start is by unbolting the
interplane struts to see if a warp was induced when the interplane