Use 220 sandpaper to lightly sand the outer surface of both tubes. This allows
them to be securely glued, using thick CA glue. As shown on the plans, the rear
ends of the tubes exit the fuselage at severe angles. It is easiest to pre-cut these
angles before installing the tubes - do this now.
Insert the untrimmed end of one of the tubes into the rear exit hole and use a
piece of wire or small dowel to guide it through the opening lasered into F-7.
Continue feeding the tube into the fuselage all the way to F-6. Feed the tube
through the hole in F-6. From the servo compartment, carefully pull the tubing
forward until the angle-cut end of the tubing nests into the rear exit slot at the
back of the fuselage. Once the tube is in this position, you can begin gluing it in
The technique we use for gluing the tube at the various stations is to put a little puddle of thick CA on a piece of waxed
paper. Then use a length of small dia. dowel with one end sanded to a dull point, for use as an applicator. Start gluing the
tube in place at the rear of the fuselage. Use a scrap piece of stickwood to hold the tube against its exit point in F-7 and
apply a small amount of glue to hold it there. Move forward to the rearmost diagonal and move the tube a little to let you
apply a small dot of glue to the inside edge of the diagonal, just behind the top stringer. Hold the tube in place to the glue
to adhere it. Move forward to the rearmost upright and repeat this procedure, again making sure the tube is directly behind
the top stringer.
In this manner glue the tube in place to the remaining uprights and diagonals until you get to F-6. Apply a little glue to the
tube, where it enters the hole into the servo compartment. Repeat this procedure with the opposite pushrod tube. When
both tubes are installed, go back over each glue joint with the dowel applicator and apply a small amount of glue to each
joint, making sure the tube is secure - use glue sparingly. Use scissors to reach inside the servo compartment to trim the
tubes to a length of about 1" ahead of the front of F-6. Use your sanding block to lightly sand the fuselage sides, where the
tubes exit.
Use the 1/16"x1/8" balsa stock to now cut and glue in place the top and bottom
cross-braces at fuselage stations A and B on your plans. Cut these braces to fit
easily, without bowing out the fuselage sides and be sure that they are identical
length for both the top and bottom. This keeps the fuselage square. Use your
sanding block to lightly smooth the top and bottom of the fuselage over these
The top and bottom rear 1/16" balsa sheeting is now installed. Note that this
sheeting is applied with the grain running front to rear - not cross-grain. We
suggest installing the wing center section assembly, protecting its rear edge with
a bit of wax paper. This gives you an accurate front edge location for the top
sheet. Simply lay the balsa sheet in place and trace the fuselage outline onto it
with a pencil. Cut the sheet out using a sharp #11 blade. The sheet is then glued
in place. After attaching both the top and bottom pieces, remove the wing center
section and use your sanding block to lightly smooth the sheeting edges smooth
to the fuselage sides. Also, lightly sand the rear edge of the top sheeting to
match the stabilizer leading edge notch.
The completed fuselage is now sanded to shape. As shown on the plans, the
fuselage corners are sanded round for a pleasant, believable look. Don't overdo
it but strive for a uniform overall look. NOTE - When sanding the fuselage at the
bottom plywood landing gear brace location, take care to round this uniformly,
along with the balsawood immediately in front and back of the brace.
Locate the printed color instrument panel from the kit contents. Use scissors to
trim the panel around it's outer edge. Trial-fit the panel in place against F-3. Trim
as needed for a good fit. The panel is now glued in place to F-3. You can use an
adhesive such as 3-M Super 77 Spray Adhesive.
Содержание SIGRC80 Rascal C
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