Notes Before Beginning Construction
Any references to right or left refers to your right or left as if you were seated in the cockpit. References to inboard means
toward the fuselage, while references to outboard means away from the fuselage.
To build good flying models, you need a good straight building board. Crooked models don't fly well! The building board can be
a table, a workbench, a reject "door core" from the lumber yard, or whatever - as long as it is perfectly flat and untwisted. Cover
the top surface of the building board with a piece of celotex-type wall board or foam board, into which pins can be easily
pushed. Don't hesitate to use plenty of pins during assembly to hold drying parts in correct position.
When pinning and gluing parts directly over the full-size plans, cover the plan with wax paper or plastic kitchen wrap to prevent
gluing the parts to the plans.
Don't use a ball point pen for making marks on the model during construction. If not sanded off, these ink marks will show
through the model's final finish. Use a pencil instead.
Identifying Kit Parts
Leave all die-cut parts in the sheets until needed in construction. Then remove the pieces from the sheets carefully. If difficulty
is encountered, do not force the part from the sheet - use a modeling knife to cut it free.
A jig saw works best for cutting out the printed balsa parts. If a jig saw is not available, a sharp modelling knofe and a
straightedge can be used. Cut just outside the printed lines, leaving all of the line on the part. Whe fitting the piece into the
dtructure, use a sanding block to bring the edges to an exact fit.
Die-cut plywood parts can be identified using the "KEY TO PLYWOOD PARTS". All of the other parts can be identified by the
"COMPLETE KIT PARTS LIST". Sort the different sizes of sticks and sheets into individual piles to avoid confusion during
building. Cut all long pieces of balsa first, followed by medium lengths, before cutting up any full length strips into short pieces.
NOTE: Save any scrap balsa and plywood until the model is completely done. Some of it may be called for during construction
of the model.
Die-Cut Balsa Sheets
4 3/32"x3"x18" W-2 Wing Ribs
2 3/32"x3"x18" W-5, W-6, W-7,
W-8 Wing Ribs
1 3/32"x3"x18" W-3, W-4 Wing Ribs
Silkscreened Balsa
1 1/4"x3"x9" Stab, Fin and
Rudder parts
1 3/8"x3"x4" Wing Joiner Fill-in
Sheet Balsa
1 1/16"x3"x36" Wing Center
1 3/8"x2-1/2"x15" Top Hatch
Stick Balsa
1 1/4" triangle x3" Wing Mount
1 1/8"x1/8"x24" Spoiler Sheeting
4 1/16"x1/4"x36" Fuselage
Reinforcement and Polyhedral
2 1/16"x1/2"x36" Fuselage
Reinforcement and Spoiler
4 1/4"x5/16"x36" Stabilizer,
Fin, and Rudder Frames
2 1/8"x1/4"x36" Stabilizer, Fin
and Rudder Crossbracing
Special Shaped Balsa
2 1/4"x2"x12" Tapered Stock
for Elevators
2 1/4"x1"x12" Trailing Edge
Stock for Spoilers
2 5/16"x1-1/4"x24" Outboard Panel
Trailing Edge
2 5/16"x1-1/4"x26" Inboard Panel
Trailing Edge
20 1/16"x1"x4" Wing Shear Ribs
Block Balsa
2 1"x1-1/2"x 8" Wing Tip
1 2"x2-1/4"x3" Nose Block
2 3/8"x1-5/16"x2-7/16" Wing Hold
Down Blocks
2 1/4"x24" Outboard Panel
Leading Edge Dowel
2 1/4"x26" Inboard Panel Leading
Edge Dowel
1 1/4"x5" Elevator Joiner Dowel
1 3/16"x8" Wing Hold Down Dowel
1 1/8"x4" Alignment Pin Dowel
4 3/16"x3/8"x24" Outer Panel
Spruce Spars
4 3/16"x3/8"x26" Inner Panel Spruce
6 1/8"x3/16"x24" Outer Panel
Spruce Turbulators
6 1/8"x3/16"x26" Inner Panel
Spruce Turbulators
1 1/4"x1-1/4"x1-7/8" Plywood
Wing Bolt Block
2 1/2"x5/8"x1-1/2" Basswood Wing
Bolt Blocks