Outer Left Panel
a. Pin in place the 5/16"x1-1/4" notched balsa trailing edge over the plans. Make sure that you have the correct trailing
edge for each panel.
b. Pin in place the 3/16"x3/8"x24" spruce spar, making sure you leave a small amount of excess on each end of the
wing panel.
Glue and pin ribs W-3, W-4, W-5, W-6, W-7, and W-8 in place on the spar and to the trailing edge. Do not glue in the W-2
rib at the polyhedral joint yet.
Using the 1/16" die-cut plywood polyhedral guage provided, pin the W-2 rib in place at the polyhedral joint and glue it
Glue and pin in place the top 3/16"x3/8"x24" spruce spar, again leaving a small amount of excess on each end of the wing
panel. Recheck rib W-2 with the polyhedral guage to insure that it hasn't moved.
Glue and pin in place the 1/4" birch dowel leading edge and the 1/8"x3/16"x24" turbulators. Remove the wing panel from
the building board and add the bottom turbulator.
Cut off excess leading edge, spruce spars, and turbulators with a razor saw so that they are flush with the end ribs W-2 and
Cut one of the wing tip patterns from plan plate 1 and trace the wing tip outline onto one of the 1"x1-1/2"x8" balsa wing tip
blocks provided.
Carve the outside radius of the wing tip
block first.
Place the wing tip block against the tip
rib W-8. Trace around it as shown in the
picture and then carve down to that line.
Glue and pin the wing tip block
permanently to the tip of rib W-8.
Carve and sand the wing tip block to its final shape.