• Propeller to suit engine of choice
• Mounting Bolts, Nuts, Washers to fit your engine
(8-32 size in most cases)
4 - Steel Socket-Head Bolts, 1-1/4” long
4 - Lock Nuts
4 - Flat Washers
• Fuel Tubing
• Optional Fuel Filling Valve - DuBro
#334 shown in manual
• SIG 1/4" thick Foam Rubber for receiver and battery pack
• Thread Locking Compound - such as Locktite
#242 (blue)
• SIG 30-Minute Epoxy Glue
• SIG 5-Minute Kwik-Set Epoxy Glue
• Thin, Medium, and Thick SIG CA Glue, plus CA Accelerator
and Debonder
• Silicone Sealer, white or clear
• 1/6-Scale WWII Pilot - Hanger 9
#HAN8297 shown in manual
• Common Modeling Tools, including:
Pliers - Needle Nose & Flat Nose
Diagonal Wire Cutters
Small Allen Wrenches
Hobby Knife With Sharp #11 Blades
Covering Iron and Trim Seal Tool
Masking Tape
Fine CA Applicator Tips
Paper Towels
Power Drill With Selection of Bits
Pin Vise for Small Drill Bits
Tool and Bits
We highly recommend the use of a modern programmable
computer radio. Such radio systems allow you to easily set and
adjust every channel and additionally program various flight
functions to suit your individual style of flying.
The P-51B Mustang, with retracts and flaps, requires a 6-channel
radio system to control the Ailerons, Elevators, Rudder, Throttle,
Flaps, and Retracts. You will need a total of eight (8) servos -
seven (7) standard servos and one (1) special retract servo.
Ailerons - two (2) standard servos* with 42+ in/oz of torque
Elevator - one (1) standard servos with 42+ in/oz of torque
- two (2) standard servos with 42+ in/oz of torque
- one (1) standard servos with 42+ in/oz of torque
- one (1) standard servos with 42+ in/oz of torque
Retracts - one (1) retract servo** with 90+ in/oz of torque
* We used Hi-Tec
HS-311, 322, 325, 422, & 425 standard servos in our
prototype P-51Bs.
** We used a Hi-Tec
HS75BB Retract Servo in our prototype P-51Bs.
Ailerons - one (1) standard Y-harness chord (plugged into the rx)
two (2) 12" long servo ext.chords (located in the wing)
Elevator - one (1) 24" long servo ext.chord
- one (1) reversing Y-harness* (plugged into the rx)
- no extra chords needed
- no extra chords needed
Retracts - one (1) 12" long servo ext.chord (plugged into the rx)
* We used a Maxx Products
Note: Both our reversing Y-harness and regular Y-harness were 24" long,
simply because that's all we could find. If your radio manufacturer makes
them 12" long, that is long enough and will make a neater installation.
Congratulations and thank you for your purchase of the SIG P-51B
Mustang ARF. The unique scale appearance of this seldom seen
R/C warbird will really stand out at the flying field and we predict
that it will quickly become one of your favorite R/C airplanes.
Smooth and effective flight controls, along with standard features
like retractable landing gear and operating flaps, give this Mustang
breathtaking realism in flight.
It “grooves” through aerobatic
maneuvers like the best sport-pattern model you've ever flown.
The SIG P-51B Mustang ARF has been engineered to get you into
the air as quickly as possible with an R/C model that compares to
the best scratch-built airplanes. The airframe has been expertly
constructed of the finest balsa and plywood available, then profes-
sionally covered with tough SIG AEROKOTE
polyester film.
This assembly manual has been sequenced to put your Mustang
together in the correct order. We urge you to read through the
manual carefully before starting assembly, to familiarize yourself
with the various parts and assembly sequences. We also urge you
to carefully check your kit contents against the parts listing in this
manual. The successful assembly and flying of this airplane is
ultimately your responsibility.
If you deviate from these
instructions, you may wind-up with problems later on.
Last, the SIG P-51B Mustang is NOT recommended for beginning
R/C pilots. If this is your first R/C model aircraft, we strongly urge
you to seek the expertise and assistance of an experienced R/C
modeler to help you properly assemble and fly this airplane.
66.9 in.
1700 mm
Length, inc. spinner:
55.9 in.
1420 mm
Wing Area:
770 sq. in.
49.67 dm
Flying Weight*:
8.0 - 8.5 lbs.
3.63 - 3.86 kg
Wing Loading:
23.9 - 25.4 oz./sq. ft.
73.1 - 77.6 g/dm
Scale of Model:
approx. 1 : 6.6
SIG Kit Number:
* Flying weight can vary with use of different engines, battery pack,
servos, and other equipment.
• 6-channel Radio System with eight (8) servos
(see RADIO EQUIPMENT section just ahead)
• Appropriate servo extensions and Y-harnesses
(see RADIO EQUIPMENT section just ahead)
• 1100 mAh Receiver Battery Pack
(see RADIO EQUIPMENT section just ahead)
• Engine
(see ENGINE SELECTION section just ahead)