Then, while your helper holds the model by the rear rubber peg and the cowling, stretch the motor out the front of the model to
about twice its normal length, unhook the propeller, hook up the winder, and wind while slowly walking back toward the plane.
All the models in Sig's Classic series have been carefully designed and flight tested to assure flying ability. Hand wound, you
can expect flights of 10 to 25 seconds and stretch wound, 20 to 50 seconds. Like model builders, some of the designs have
more ability than others, but all are proven dependable flyers.
A Classic flying model is not a ready-to-fly toy. Your skill in building and flying DOES make a difference. So whether your flights
are short or long, you can be proud of completing a job which was successful because of your own effort and ability.
Good Flying!
SIG MFG. CO., INC. is totally committed to your success in both assembling and flying the Mr Mulligan. Should you encounter
any problem building this kit or discover any missing or damaged parts, please feel free to contact us by mail or telephone.
401-7 South Front Street
Montezuma, IA 50171-0520
SIG MODELER S ORDERLINE: (to order parts)
SIG MODELER S HOTLINE (for technical support)
© Copyright SIG Mfg. Co., Inc.
SIG MFG. CO., INC............Montezuma, Iowa 50171-0520
The craftsmanship, attention to detail and actions of the builder/flyer of this model airplane kit will ultimately determine the
airworthiness, flight performance and safety of the finished model. SIG MFG. CO's obligation shall be to replace those parts of
the kit proven to be defective or missing. The user shall determine the suitability of the product for his or her intended use and
shall assume all risk and liability in connection therewith.