Build the center section over the plan, holding parts in place with pins until after the wing is completely assembled. The
center section leading edge is 3/32"x3/16". A piece of 1/16" square is glued between the center section ribs and flush
with their top surface to provide a place to cement on the three top fuselage stringers (see top view of fuselage on plan)
after the completed wing is glued to the fuselage. The gussets hold the center section trailing edge in place until the
outer panels are added.
Pre-assemble parts W-l, W-2, and W-3 into complete wing tips and remove them from the plan when dry. Cut two spars
to shape from 3/32"x3/16" balsa strip, using the pattern of the spar on the plan. Pin the spar in place on the wing plan.
Add the leading and trailing edges. Fit W-5 ribs in place over the spar and against the leading and trailing edges. Trim
where necessary for perfect fit. Glue in place. Add the pre-assembled wing tips, cracking them at the break point
indicated on the plans and incorporating the required 5/32" of tip dihedral.
The spar, and the leading and trailing edges all rest against the center section but are not glued to it.
When the wing panels are dry, loosen them from the plastic protecting your plans and lift them away from the center
section, leaving it still pinned firmly in place.
While the panels are off the work bench, round the leading edges with a sandpaper block and do any other necessary
touch-up work with glue and sandpaper.
Now the wing panels are ready to be attached to the center section. White glue is recommended for this job. Put small
dabs of glue on the parts of the wing panel that will contact the center section. Then put the wing panel back in place
over the plan.
Lift up the tip of the wing panel and slide a 1/4" sq. piece of scrap balsa up to the outer W-5 ribs on each panel. (See
wing spar drawing for dihedral details). Be sure that the inner end of the wing fits neatly against the center section. Don't
use pins or heavy weights to hold it in place - they might cause a permanent twist in the wing.
When all joints have had plenty of time to dry, the wing can be removed from the work bench.
Taper the leading edge of the center section and the wing is ready for covering.
Make the wing struts directly on the plan. When they are dry, round the edges and finish them in the same way as the
Tail Surfaces
The stabilizer and fin are made over the plan much in the same manner as the fuselage sides. When dry, remove them and
sand the edges to make a streamlined shape.
Covering And Assembly
It's important to follow this sequence to avoid time consuming mistakes. First cover the wing except for the center section, the
tail surfaces, and the fuselage sides and bottom. Also cover the fuselage from F2T to F1. Covering should be an unhurried job.
The tissue grain should run lengthwise in the area being covered. Tissue doesn't go around compound curves well so use
several pieces in areas such as the fuselage bottom. Cement tissue with clear dope to the outline of the area you're covering,
not to every rib or stringer.
The fuselage side windows can be installed before or after covering the fuselage with tissue. A more professional looking job
results when they are installed before covering but more care must be taken in cutting the tissue to fit around the windows.