remove the small strip of covering material between the two holes.
Then glue the nylon control horn in place using thick CA glue.
Apply a small amount of glue to the two pegs and a small amount
of glue to the bottom of the control horn base itself. With the three
small holes in the control horn facing forward, firmly press the horn
into the two pre-drilled holes in the aileron, until the base bottoms
out on the elevator surface.
If any glue oozes out onto the
covering, it can be easily removed with SIG CA Debonder.
7) In preparation for installing the aileron pushrods, center the
aileron servo output arms in neutral position. Also, secure the
ailerons in neutral position with small pieces of tape.
a) Working on one aileron at a time, slide one of the nylon
pushrod keepers over the plain unbent end of the aileron pushrod
b) Insert the Z-bend end of the aileron pushrod wire into the
outermost hole of the servo output arm (if the holes in your servo
arm are too small for the wire, drill out the holes with a #60 or 3/64"
dia. drill bit)..
c) Hold the pushrod wire against the side of the nylon control
horn and use a fine tip pen to mark the exact position of the
control horn hole on the wire. Note: The wire will be installed in the
2nd hole from the end of the horn.
d) Use a pair of pliers to grasp the pushrod wire at the mark
just made, and then bend the plain end of the wire 90
towards the
center of the wing. Make the bend as sharp as possible.
e)` The excess length of pushrod wire can now be cutoff,
leaving a 3/16" end leg to pass through the control horn hole. Use
a good sharp pair of wire cutters to do this. Clean off any burs on
the end of the wire, caused by the cutting.
f) Insert the bent end of the pushrod wire into the hole in the
control horn. Slide the nylon pushrod keeper up to the control horn
and snap its tab end over the exposed wire on the opposite side of
the control horn.
g) Remove the pieces of tape holding the aileron in neutral
h) Repeat these steps to bend and install the other aileron
pushrod on the other side of the wing.
NOTE: Later, when you turn on your full radio system for the first
time, you may find that the length of the aileron pushrod wires did
not come out exactly perfect, leaving the ailerons slightly out of
neutral position.
If so, you can make small corrections to the
overall pushrod length by slight tweaking of the V-shaped
adjustment bend that is provided in the middle of the pushrod wire.
For this section you will need the fuselage, the elevator pushrod
wire, the rudder pushrod wire, and 2 servos.
8) Remove the Battery Hatch from the bottom of the fuselage
in preparation for mounting the elevator and rudder servos. Note
that there is a molded plastic latch built into the front of the hatch.
Simply turn the plastic latch 90
and remove the hatch.
9) Mount the elevator and rudder servos in the fuselage, using
the screws that came with the servos.
a) Begin by positioning the servos in place in the plywood
servo tray built into the fuselage.
Note in the picture that the
servos should be located out against the sides of the opening in
the plywood tray, so that the ends of the servo arms line up with
the plastic pushrod tubes already installed in the fuselage.
b) Once you have the servos correctly positioned, drill small
pilot holes through the plywood for each servo mounting screw -
we used a small pin vise and a .040" (#60) drill bit to make these
pilot holes.
Then use a small screwdriver to install the servo
mounting screws.
c) Working through the opening in the bottom of the fuselage,
route the two servo leads back to the top of the radio compartment
by passing them between the two servos.
10) Determine which of the long pre-bent pushrod wires is for
the elevator (right side) and which is for the rudder (left side).
Notice in the next picture that the Z-bend in the end of the pushrod
will be installed up through the bottom of the servo arm, and that
the V-shaped adjustment bend goes towards the outside of the
Using these two criteria, you can determine which
pushrod is for the elevator and which is for the rudder. Once you've
got them properly identified, slide the pushrod wires inside the
appropriate plastic pushrod tubes in the fuselage.