PROPELLER (supplied): A SIG 7x5 EP propeller is furnished
with this model.
This propeller provides excellent flight
performance when used with the recommended battery pack.
Electronic Speed Control is furnished. This "plug and play" ESC is
completely wired at the factory with the appropriate end plugs.
BATTERY PACK (not supplied): We recommend a 7-cell
1100mah Nimh (nickel metal hydride) battery pack, in "flat"
configuration, with a Tamiya plug. Properly charged, this battery
pack delivers excellent power and duration for the KADET EP-42.
Note: We do not recommend other types or sizes of battery packs
without thorough bench and field testing. Flight performance can
suffer greatly with the wrong battery pack. In some cases the
airplane won't fly at all with the an improper pack.
Use the
recommended battery pack to insure good performance.
BATTERY CHARGER (not supplied): For maximum performance
from your battery pack, you MUST use a proper battery charger!
1) Make sure your charger is designed for the type of cells that are
in your battery pack - i.e. a charger made to charge nicad or
nickel metal hydride batteries should NEVER be used to charge
lithium batteries, and vice versa. Doing so can be very dangerous!
2) Make sure you use a "peak detection" charger. This is a
charger that automatically senses when the battery is completely
charged (peaked), and then shuts itself off.
A peak detection
charger not only prevents overcharging of batteries (which will
damage them in time), but it also insures that you are getting the
maximum charge into the batteries, so that you will realize
maximum power and duration from the motor.
The KADET EP-42 gets its great flight performance from many
factors, but two of the most important factors are its light weight
and generous wing area. The lighter the final weight is, the better
this airplane will fly! Since this model is factory built and covered,
you can only realistically control the finished, ready-to-fly weight by
choosing the most appropriate radio equipment for a model of this
size. In short, the flight performance of your KADET EP-42 will be
directly controlled by the weight of the radio equipment you choose
to put in it. Maximum performance can only be achieved with light
weight components.
RECEIVER: A small or "micro" size receiver should be used in this
model due to weight and size constraints. In our flight tests of the
KADET EP-42, we have used the following dual conversion
11 grams
Hitec Electron 6
19 grams
Note: Single conversion receivers can also be used as long as you
are aware of the potential for interference from other transmitters.
SERVOS: Standard servos, the ones that come with most sport
radio systems, are too big and too heavy for the KADET EP-42.
You will need smaller servos. In our flight tests of the KADET
EP-42, we have used the following servos:
Hitec HS-55
7.9 grams
15 in/oz
Airtronics 94091
9.0 grams
18 in/oz
Note: Any other brand of servo that is in the same size and torque
range will also work just fine.
Congratulations on your purchase of the SIG KADET EP-42. The
KADET EP-42 is the latest addition to the long line of legendary
SIG KADET trainers. Did you know that the first SIG KADET was
introduced in 1973! Since that time, thousands upon thousands of
student pilots have successfully learned to fly R/C with a SIG
KADET. Even expert pilots enjoy flying a SIG KADET now and
then for an easy going change of pace. Flying low and slow on a
dead calm summer evening provides a satisfaction that can't be
matched with other types of models.
The KADET EP-42 represents a major milestone in the history of
SIG KADETS. This is the first ever electric powered SIG KADET
kit! This blending of the legendary KADET flying characteristics
with a state-of-the-art electric power system, has produced a
marvelous little R/C ship that is a pure joy to fly. It's small enough
to carry around in your vehicle completely assembled and ready to
fly almost anywhere, anytime! Unlike most other small electric
powered models, the KADET EP-42 has a light wing loading - light
enough to make you forget that you are flying an electric airplane.
That overweight, heavy, afraid-to-slow-it-down feeling you may
have experienced with other electric airplanes is gone!
Assembly of your SIG KADET EP-42 ARF is fast and simple when
following the detailed instructions in this manual. A low parts count
and professional engineering ensure quick and easy assembly. All
parts are CAD-drawn, laser-cut, and jig assembled, which means
that everything fits the way it should! We urge you to read this
instruction manual completely before starting assembly, to famil-
iarize yourself with the parts and the assembly sequence.
The KADET EP-42 ARF is certainly a suitable model for learning
to fly R/C. However, it is important to understand that if you have
never flown an R/C airplane before, you will need to find and use
a qualified R/C flight instructor. The instructor should make the
first test flight of the new airplane, to make sure it "trims out" to fly
properly, After that, he can teach you how to fly the airplane.
Without an instructor, your chance of a successful first R/C flight is
less than 1 in 1000. You will most likely crash and destroy your
new airplane! With a qualified instructor, your chance of learning
to fly R/C is nearly 100%. So, if this is your first radio control model
airplane, DO NOT attempt to fly it without a qualified instructor. It's
the fastest, most efficient way to become a good R/C pilot. And
you'll make a new R/C flying buddy.
MOTOR (supplied): Your KADET EP-42 comes with a 7.2 volt
Speed 400 motor already mounted in the nose of the airplane.
Please note that this is a more powerful upgrade from a "normal"
speed 400 can motor.