of the motor's prop flange. When dry, reassemble the parts and
tighten securely.
SAFETY WARNING: With the propeller mounted to the motor, it is
very important that you always remain aware of the position of the
throttle stick on your transmitter whenever there is a battery
plugged into the airborne system. The motor/geardrive unit used
in this model is powerful enough to cause damage to people or
property if it is activated prematurely, accidently, or unexpectedly.
With an electric airplane, we recommended that you get in the
habit of always keeping the throttle stick in the "low throttle"
position, even when the transmitter is in storage.
Be sure to
recheck the throttle stick position before plugging in the airborne
battery pack, and also before turning on the airborne on/off switch.
Under no circumstances should you hold this model by the nose
when the battery is plugged in or the radio system is turned on.
Never plug in your flight battery until you are on the flight line,
ready to fly.
The decals supplied with the KADET EP-42 are Mylar
with a self-stick adhesive. They are not water slide decals. Also,
these decals are not die-cut. Each design must be cut from the
sheet with a sharp #11 hobby knife or a sharp scissors.
Small decals can be easily applied to the model by simply
removing the paper backing sheet, and then laying the decal in
position and pressing it in place with your finger.
For the larger decals, such as the KADET EP-42 wing decal, we
suggest the following method of application:
a) Carefully cut out the decal with a hobby knife.
b) Peel the paper backing sheet completely off the decal, being
careful not to let the sticky side double over and adhere to itself.
c) Use a product like SIG Pure Magic Model Airplane Cleaner,
, or Windex
to spray the adhesive side of the decal. Also
spray the area of the model that will receive the decal.
d) Lightly place the decal onto the wet surface of the model.
The liquid cleaner solution will keep the decal from actually
sticking to the model until you have had time to shift it around into
35) For this section you will need the propeller and spinner
assembly from the kit contents.
a) Remove the molded plastic prop shaft adapter rings from
the spinner bag - note there are four different sizes. Try each
adapter ring on the threaded prop shaft until you find the one that
fits tight. Cut that ring from the molding and slip it onto the prop
shaft, as far back as it will go, right up against the motor's prop
b) Fit the spinner backplate onto the prop shaft and over the
adapter ring.
c) Install the propeller on the prop shaft, up against the
spinner backplate.
d) Thread on the prop nut, screwing it finger tight up against
the prop. Note: Don't tighten the prop nut completely at this point.
You need to be able to shift the prop position in the next step.
36) Carefully study the grooves in the spinner backplate and the
corresponding flanges on the back edge of the spinner cone.
These grooves and flanges hold the spinner cone in correct
alignment with the backplate, so that the 2 mounting screws will
install correctly. In other words, the spinner cone can only go on
one way - it's location is controlled by the grooves and flanges.
Thus the prop position needs to be adjusted to align the prop
blades with the openings in the spinner cone.
a) Trial fit the spinner cone and adjust the propeller position as
needed to allow the spinner cone to fit in place properly. When
everything fits as it should, tighten the prop nut securely.
b) Secure the spinner cone in place with the two screws
provided. Snug these screws firmly, but don't overtighten them.
Note: When trying to tighten the prop nut, you may find that the
spinner backplate keeps slipping against the motor's prop flange,
allowing the propeller to slip out of position.
If this happens,
remove the prop nut, propeller, and spinner backplate, and then
glue a small disk of coarse sandpaper (50-100 grit) onto the front