Glue formers F-15 and F-16 into position on the top of the fuselage. Be sure to angle F-16 forward as shown on the plan.
Glue a piece of the 3/32 x 1/4 into the notches in the formers from F-6 to F-16.
Cut the 3/32 x 4 x 18 top sheet into two pieces 9 long. Cut these pieces in half to make four 2 wide pieces. Use two of
these sheets to sheet the top of the fuselage from former F-6 to F-16. Wet these pieces with water or an ammonia based
window cleaner such as windex and allow them to soak for several minutes to make them easier to bend around the
curved formers. If you wind up with any cracks or splits near the lower edges of these sheets you can fill them in with small
scraps of wood. Trim the ends of the sheet flush with the formers.
Glue formers F-17, F-18 and F-19 into position on the top rear fuselage.
Glue the 3/32 x 1/4 strip onto position on top of the formers and then sheet as you did the forward fuselage.
Glue the two tapered canopy rails into position between F-16 and F-17. The outside edges should be flush with the outside
of the fuselage sides. Glue the rear cockpit block into position between the two canopy rails.
Glue the rear belly scoop parts BS-1 and BS-2 to the bottom of the fuselage. The Front edge of BS-2 should be flush with
the front face of F-5.
Sand the lower nose blocks to shape so that they are flush with the lower formers. Sand the canopy rails to match the
curvature of former F-17. Sand the entire fuselage smooth all over.
Glue the stabilizer into position at the rear of the fuselage.
Place the fin into position and sand the tail blocks to shape. Now glue the fin and tail blocks to the model.
Install the elevators and rudder with their hinges but do not glue at this time. Cut the slot in the fuselage and rudder for the
lower hinge and insert this hinge without gluing.
Bolt the engine and mount into position on the front of the model.
Test fit the spinner to the model.
Mount the elevator and rudder servos into the fuselage with a good quality servo tape.
Mount the control horns onto the rudder and elevator.
Assemble the rudder and elevator pushrods and install into the model.
Trim the canopy and test fit it to the model.
Glue the two parts M-2 to the two M-1 s to make a right and left scale exhaust.
Building the Left Wing
Pin the 1/8 sq. building jig to the plan so that it is centered on the main spar. It should extend several inches at each end.
Pin the lower 1/4 sq. main spar on top of the building jig. Trim the length of this spar so that there is about 1 extra at each
Glue the plywood doublers W-3A and W-4A to the front of ribs W-3 and W-4.
Place ribs W2 through W-9 into position. Pin the aft ends to the building board and glue the ribs to the lower spar. These
ribs should all be 90 degrees to the building board.
Place the top spar into position. It should extend past each end of the wing about 1. Glue the top spar to ribs W-2 through