- After you've completed final assembly of a model finished with iron-on plastic film
covering, clean up any CA glue smears with a rag wet with DEBONDER. The DEBONDER won't harm the plastic film.
CAUTION: Do not use DEBONDER on painted models, decals, or canopies - it may dissolve or mark them!
- styrene or polystyrene foam; or "slippery" or "waxy" plastics like nylon, teflon, polyethylene,
polypropylene, etc.
CAUTION: Some people may experience allergic reactions when exposed to fumes from cyanoacrylate glue. It is always
recommended that CA glue, as well as all other glues, paints, thinners, and solvents, be used with adaquete ventilation to
carry fumes away. A fan is recommended. In many cases "foam friendly"or "odorless"CA may allow an allergic modeler to use
a CA glue.
Warning! This Is Not A Toy!
Flying machines of any form, either model-size or full-size, are not toys! Because of the speeds that airplanes must achieve in
order to fly, they are capable of causing serious bodily harm and property damage if they crash. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY
AND YOURS ALONE to assemble this model airplane correctly according to the plans and instructions, to ground test the
finished model before each flight to make sure it is completely airworthy, and to always fly your model in a safe location and in a
safe manner.
The governing body for radio-control model airplanes in the United States is the ACADEMY OF MODEL AERONAUTICS,
sometimes referred to as the AMA. The AMA SAFETY CODE provides guidelines for the safe operation of R/C model airplanes.
While AMA membership is not mandatory, it is a good idea and we encourage all new R/C fliers to join the AMA. Membership in
the AMA provides you with important liability insurance protection in case your R/C model should ever cause serious property
damage or personal injury to someone else. For more information, contact:
5161 East Memorial Drive
Muncie, IN 47302
Telephone: (765) 287-1256
Right Wing Panel
a. Locate the six 1/4"x1/2"x36" balsa sticks. Cut two of the sticks to make
four pieces 17-1/2" long. These are the spar doublers.
b. Using epoxy or THICK CA glue a spar doubler to one end of each of the
1/4"x1/2"x 36" balsa sticks. These are the main spars. Make sure the
spars are kept straight while the glue is curing. Any bends or twists built in
now are there to stay!
a. Tape the wing plan down to the building board and cover it with waxed
paper. Pin down one of the main spar assemblies in place on the plan,
making certain that outboard end of the doubler is positioned at the last W-
4 wing rib. Place the pins at an angle so they will not interfere with the
spar webbing. Pin down a 1/4"x1/4"x36" balsa stick for the rear spar.
b. The 3/32"x2"x36" balsa trailing edge sheet is provided extra wide so that
the forward edge can be cut straight with a long straightedge. Pin the
bottom trailing edge sheet in place, aligning the front edge with the plans.
c. Place a scrap of 3/32" balsa near the main spar to accurately space the
first four ribs up from the building board. This shim makes space for the
center sheeting to be added later.
d. Position all the ribs (W-1 through W-5), main and rear spar webs and
diagonal wing braces (0-1 and 0-2) on the front and rear spars. Do not
glue now.