Before flying, check and adjust all the pushrod linkages so that the control surfaces are in neutral position when the
transmitter sticks and trim levers are centered. When you get to the field, don't be surprised if the elevator and rudder are
slightly misaligned. Temperature and humidity changes can cause the nylon pushrod tubes to expand or contract slightly.
Use the trim levers on the transmitter to return the control surfaces to neutral, and do the final trimming in the air.
The control surface movements listed here are recommended for the first flights of your FOUR-STAR 60. These
movements will provide the model with a fair degree of aerobatic capability if it's balanced correctly. Test flights may
indicate a need for slightly more or less movement depending on individual model performance and personal preference.
3/4" UP and 3/4" DOWN
1" RIGHT and 1" LEFT
5/8" UP and 5/8" DOWN
The Golden Rule of Success in R/C:
"A model, engine or radio that is not prepared and working properly on the ground before takeoff will not improve in the air
- it will get worse! There is no point in attempting to fly until everything is 100% correct."
The Four-Star 60 is a fun aircraft to fly, but it is not a basic trainer. If you have little or no R/C flying experience, SIG
strongly suggests that you get an experienced pilot to help you fly your model until you're comfortable with the controls.
Contact a local R/C club or ask your hobby dealer for the names of good fliers in your area and a suitable location for
Make any changes, especially to the balance point, gradually. We recommend that the balance point be shifted no more
than 1/8" at a time. In general, moving the balance point forward will make the model more stable, slowing down snap rolls
and spins. Moving the balance point back increases sensitivity to rudder and elevator inputs. An aft balance point, carried
too far, can produce a model that is completely unstable and uncontrollable. The balance range shown on the plans is a
safe area to use for test flights. Don't exceed the rearward CG limit unless you are a very experienced pilot and are totally
familiar with the airplane.
The craftsmanship, attention to detail, and actions of the builder/flyer of this model airplane kit will ultimately determine the
flight performance and safety of the finished model. SIG MFG. CO.'s only obligation shall be to replace those parts of the
kit proven to be defective or missing. The user shall determine the suitability of the product for his or her intended use and
shall assume all risk and liability in connection therewith.