Glossary of Terms
Area: a region of a building that can be
armed and disarmed independently of
the remainder of the building.
Bypassing (or shunting): the act of
instructing your security system to ignore
a zone. A bypassed zone is not pro-
Entry Delay: The amount of time you
have to enter your armed building, walk
to the keypad, and enter your user code
before an alarm sounds.
Exit Delay: The amount of time you
have to exit and secure your building
before an alarm sounds.
Faulted: describes a condition which, if
the system were armed, would cause an
alarm, such as an opened door or win-
dow. Faulted zones must be corrected
or bypassed before arming.
Full Arming: a method of arming that
arms all of your system's sensors, both
along the building's perimeter, and in-
side the building.
Home Arming: a method of arming that
arms only those sensors along the pe-
rimeter of your building.
Instant Arming: a method of arming
that triggers an alarm the instant a sen-
sor detects an alarm condition.
Monitoring Station: a service that
monitors the status of your security sys-
tem through a telephone hook-up.
Tamper: describes a sensor, or other
system equipment, that has been delib-
erately damaged.
Trouble: describes a sensor, or other
system equipment, that may be in need
of service.
User Code: a secret four-digit number
used to arm and disarm the system, and
make other changes.
User Number: a two-digit number as-
signed to each user.
Zone: a sensor or a group of sensors
protecting a region of your building.
24-Hour Zone: a zone, such as a smoke
detector, which is programmed to detect
alarm conditions whether your system
is armed or disarmed.