Building Technologies
Bus operator unit RMZ792
HVAC Products
6 “Commissioning” menu
6.3.7 Submenu
Changing the display format of the device list
Showing the device address on the device list or hiding it
Main menu> Commissioning > Device list > Display list
Operating line
Factory setting
Type of display
Address and name /
Name only
Address and
Depending on the selection made, the devices appear on the device list with their
addresses and names, or only with their names.
6.3.8 Submenu
Displaying detailed information about the current state of the device list.
Main menu > Commissioning > Device list > List information
Operating line
Factory setting
State of list
See below
List error
See below
Number of devices current
State of list and list errors have the following meaning:
State of list
Address invalid
Device search has been aborted; device list
is invalid and must be recreated
Device list is empty
Device list has been created or devices
have been added
List error
No error; device list is ok
Address twice
Device list contains several devices with
identical device addresses. Address conflict
must be eliminated
List complete
List is full (150 entries)
The current number of devices on the device list is displayed by the value of
Number of
devices current
6.4 Favorites
Favorite pages enable the user to quickly access important and frequently used plant
values. A total of 20 pages is available, each with a maximum of 10 datapoints. The
user can freely assign any datapoints of devices on the device list. Favorite pages and
operating lines not used are not displayed in the view of favorites. All favorite pages
show the
symbol in the corner at top right.
All datapoints of the favorite pages can be accessed from the user level, also in the
case where the datapoint in the bus user’s menu tree only appears on the service level.
A number of functions make it possible to match the favorite pages to individual opera-
tor needs:
Operating lines
Operating lines